Qpi3p Sayings – Inspirational Quotes

Maybe I need some inspiration…better I lighten (it) up!

Humor, the best remedy of all…

Don’t be afraid, have courage to live your life free!

Your feeling will show you the way.

Small steps, one by one, is fast enough.

Faster is better, but at the right time is the best!

Not everybody can do everything. Some were born with the winks, and some were not.

Born with the skills… Blessing or course? Blessed and coursed. Everything comes with the price!

Why you need to be better? Just be happier!

Trade your energy well.

The real strength comes from within.

There is always a system which works… Find yours.

Protect yourself with establishing clear link to your subconscious and following its voice… It will bring you understanding and knowledge, with which you will always be able to protect yourself.

What is unbalanced cannot properly function. The balance is the key to success.

Work with yourself every moment you spend. It is totally worthy!

The moment can change in the moment.

Grow up, release yourself from dependency of this perception and create your life in your own fashion!

Until you breathe, it is not too late!

You can’t allow yourself to be sad! Don’t allow to feel bad! From now on, stir it into your way!

Begin, start right now, right here!

My religion is my freedom.

Not to think, but to feel is the answer.

Stop clinging, make space for new.

Clinging on nothing will let “better” come to you.

Persist to feel good, make your work and your own mood!

How you think is how you use your energy.

What you believe is what you get.

Open your mind and see who you really are.

You can change nothing, but yourself and so you will change the world around you.

Why follow the agony, when one can follow the heart.

Let the pressure make a diamond out of you. (From the Song Diamond by Rhemi Hanlei.)

Have no fear but confidence!

Maybe it rains outside, but you can dance inside!

If you don’t give, it will be taken from you. But if you give too much, you will never have something. Give and take to be balanced… Take only as much as you need, because you don’t need more and give as much as you can without harming yourself.

Wealthy is healthy! But having too much is a burden.

Instead of thinking how bad it is, invest your energy productively and think how you can make it better.

Knowledge is power, knowing is the key…with art together, is all what you see.

Sometimes is enough just to know that next time you would do it better.

People are willing to kill for information. More you know, stronger you are.

The impossible thing would be to change the past we had experienced. The future can be changed. Thus, now everything is possible.

When you don’t know, the best is, do nothing and wait till you have the answer.

The abstract logic is the key to the world which is worthy to see.

The mastery of art is to make an abstract piece of art and logically sell it for a lot of money.

Stop thinking, start feeling!

Be humble and happy with little…but always develop and grow.

To live fully is first to suffer, to learn and then to enjoy oneself in any moment you have!

Past is in the past. The only moment we have is now.

Always follow your feeling.

Think constructive – look for solution – find the salvation.

Eat wrong = think wrong = feel wrong. (So, don’t.)

When you feel like s**t, immerse yourself into work.

…what goes around it comes around…always remember that…

To win the fight, don’t fight, but sing!

Only without biases we can be together.

Together we are stronger!

Together we are the strongest “weapon” of all!

Relax your mind by making your conscious free.

If the mission is honest, it will succeed.

Kaja Jager Grossen (KJG)

Qpi3p Contact: reality@qpi3p.com