Qpi3p’s Motivational Speech for the Funeral
(Originally the speech is written in Slovenian language. Original version is added on the end.)
Speech to Tata
(10. August 1932 – 25. April 2024)
Heart can take only so much hits… then it petrifies, and feels nothing any more.
Tick tock, tick tock,
When is your time?
…nobody knows how many times hits your heart…
Tick tock, tick tock,
Are you afraid?
…where then to go, when it’s nothing to know…?
…are you afraid, do you worry, when the last time your heart will hurt?
Tick tock, tick tock,
…one more step…comes the death, and you become a cloud…
But is that so???
Is it really only empty sky, though???
Decision is yours…to look through the fog, to see the stars…or watch in the floor.
It is clear that the energy cannot be nullified…only transformed into another state.
Death is transformation…into what, it depends on the life lived before the death.
Where we are coming from, where we are going…?
Is it true that we have no control over when we are arriving, departing, where we are traveling to?
This everybody of us knows only when being on the way it-self…
My dear Tata,
Now is the time for your journey into unknown…
Only fear can stop you to indulge in infinite flow…
Therefore, don’t be afraid! Let go! And swim in without restraints…
Who knows what is right or wrong? Everything has its positive and negative charge!
Everything has its consequences…time is only one of them.
Unavoidable is to face inevitable. The difference is only, do we face it afraid and ashamed or with
courage and self-confidence, in warrior’s way.
Only second approach leads to freedom, yet the first is sometimes unavoidable.
Warrior’s song
To understand is the way out of agony.
To find the balance between loud and quiet
is what makes one free…
Now, is the time to focus on a new journey…
There is no silence without the sound,
nor the sound without the silence can be heard.
Music born out of cloud,
calls for the gaze into between…
…to see through gate to be abstract,
makes one to realize…
…silence calms our ear,
only so we can hear…
Silence ain’t blue!
It’s only here to bring new!
Break through old, take control, restart, make it new!
We must be ruthless to our-self and to the “blue”!
Nobody can silence us!
We have music in our soul and our heart!
Nobody can take our music away!
We will sing and we will play…
…eternally… to see another day!
Tata, I hope You are still clinging on your warrior’s soul and stepping into unknown with full courage!
Good luck, Tata!
Your Kaja

Between Prečna and Maribor
Govor Tateku
Srce lahko vzame le toliko udarcev… nato okameni, in čuti nič več.
Tik tak, tik tak,
Kdaj je tvoj čas?
…nihče ne ve koliko krat udari srce…
Tik tak, tik tak,
Vas je strah?
…kam se pol gre, ko se nič več ne ve…???
…te je strah, te skrbi, kdaj zadnjič tvoje srce zaboli?
Tik tak, tik tak,
…še en korak…pa pride smrt, in postaneš le oblak…
Pa je temu tako???
Je res le prazno nebo???
Odločitev je tvoja…pogledati skozi meglo, videti zvezdnato nebo…ali gledati v dno.
Jasno je, da energija se ne more izničit…le transformirat v drugo stanje.
Smrt je preobrazba…v kaj, je odvisno od življenja, ki je bilo živeto pred smrtjo.
Od kod prihajamo, kam gremo…? Ali je res, da nimamo kontrole nad tem kdaj prihajamo, odidemo, kam potujemo?
To vsak od nas ve le, ko je na sami poti…
Dragi moj Tata,
Sedaj je čas za tvoje popotovanje v neznano…
Le strah te lahko ustavi, da se prepustiš neskončnemu toku…
Zato, ne se bati! Spusti! In zaplavaj brez zadržkov…
Kdo ve kaj je prav in kaj narobe? Vse ima svoj pozitiven in negativen naboj! Vse ima svoje posledice…čas, je le ena od njih.
Neizogibno se je soočiti s tem, kar je neizogibno… Razlika je le, ali se soočimo prestrašeni in s sramovanjem… ali s pogumom in samozavestjo, po bojevniško.
Le drugi pristop vodi v svobodo, a prvi je včasih neizogiben.
Pesem Bojevnika
Razumeti, je pot iz agonije.
Najti ravnotežje med glasnim in tihim je, kar nas osvobodi…
Sedaj je čas, se osredotočiti na novo popotovanje…
Ni tišine brez zvoka, a tudi zvok brez tišine, se ne sliši.
Glasba rojena iz oblaka kliče po pogledu vmes, da odpremo oči in vidimo skozi vrata, abstraktno, kaj je res…
Tišina umiri naše uho, le da lahko slišimo…
Namen tišine ni žalost!
Tišina je le uvod v novo skladbo!
Predri skozi staro! Vzemi kontrolo! Resetiraj se, naredi novo!
Moramo biti brez milosti, do sebe in do žalosti!
Nihče nas ne bo utišal!
Mi imamo glasbo v naši duši in našem srcu!
Nihče ne uspe naše glasbe vzeti!!!
…ker bomo peli in igrali… v neskončnost … za naslednji dan!
Tata, upam, da se še držiš svoje bojevniške duše in stopaš v neznano s polnim pogumom!
Srečno, Tata!
Tvoja Kaja
Qpi3p Contact: reality@qpi3p.com